Hello everyone,
I hope life in your respective cities is treating you well. My life has really picked up in Kolkata and there is much to tell you about.
I hope life in your respective cities is treating you well. My life has really picked up in Kolkata and there is much to tell you about.
This past weekend was Kali Puja and Diwali. Kali Puja consisted of more pandels like I described in my last email. We were fortunate to have a friend, Neela, take us pandel hoping because she took us to really crazy, unique pandels. One of them depicted all the stages of Kali's life with real children. We were urged to not use flash photography because the kids were suppose to keep their eyes open the whole time. It was wild! Then, we went to this other pandel that was equally crazy. When we entered, there was this strong blue light and a foam/bubble machine. Then, in the middle of this field of bubbles was this girl posing. Once we walked through, we saw the idol. Again, really crazy. Although Kali Puja does not have as big of pandels as Durga Puja did, there were perhaps even more pandels then the holiday for Durga. |

Because Kali Puja and Diwali occurred at the same time, walking around was painfully loud and smoky. Diwali is the festival of lights, so there are decorative lights on everything, and there are also constant fireworks being set. India doesn't have any regulations on fireworks like in the states, so anyone (and everyone, apparently) can buy incredibly loud, huge fireworks. Everywhere you walk kids and adults both are lighting any firework imaginable. Our friends who are studying Bangla through AIIS (the organization funding Aakash) went on a field trip to where they make fireworks and one of them was kind enough to share some of the 160 bottle rockets he purchased. Lots of fun.
Walking to dinner the other night was also quite an experience. We found ourselves caught in the midst of the processions of idols from Kali Puja to the river for immersions. Energy was high as ten to twenty foot idols on the back of trucks were slowly driving down the road. Dozens of drummers and dancers were walking alongside or in the trucks as well. Very exciting and VERY loud. The most interesting and enjoyable thing we saw was on our way back from dinner when we came across some drummers and dancers performing the story of Durga. Dancers were dressed in elaborate costumes of Ganesh, Durga, the demon, and other members of the story and they danced and spun and swung swords around to the drumming. You can see a short clip of the performance here: http://instagram.com/p/gTTX3OKBtn/

Last night Aakash and I performed with Nishab, a guitarist, at a local bookstore. We've been doing some free improv together as the trio Inside Out and the gig went well. We had over 60 people come to listen. The bookstore was the incredible space and one of the owners recorded and video taped it, so we're hoping to get some of the good bits which we'll share once it's on youtube or whatever. We improvised for about an hour and my personal favorite part was when this wacky guy who funded a pandel we had visited on Saturday came. Originally, when we met him, he was thrilled to have me and our American friend Lily at his pandel and he asked us to pose so he could take all these photos with his Nokia phone. His pandel also paid homage to an Indian musician who recently passed away, so Neela (the one who took us pandel hoping) told him about our gig. We exchanged cards and he called me on the day of the performance to tell me he was coming (with my business card because he didn't like to go anywhere uninvited) and to see if it was okay if he took photos. Anyways, about 10 minutes into our gig, he walked in, and when we paused between songs he came and shook my hand. Later (one song before we ended), he shook my hand again, thanked me and wished me well and said he had to leave. Very bizarre and hilarious.
Work is picking up for me. I met with a school in north Kolkata that I'm going to offer four classes at, starting in December or January. I've also found a western pianist who wants to collaborate on some music, which is nice. Aakash and I fly to Chennai tomorrow for four days, and then will train to Bangalore. It will be Aakash's first time in India south of Kolkata. I'm looking forward to getting out of the city for a bit. As always, I'll keep you updated! |
Love you all. Know you're in my thoughts.