Today marks the last month of our ten month stint in India. We leave Kolkata on June 22 and Delhi on June 23rd and although we're looking forward to all of the things home will bring, we're trying to treasure the last month here.
So many things have been happening. Last night was Aakash's final (he thinks) performance in Kolkata before we leave. He played in a quartet with his friend from Tasmania, Julius. Julius and Aakash met last summer in Banff and he came to Kolkata for three weeks to hang out and write music. They performed and studio recorded four tunes and it was really great to have him visit. He leaves Sunday.

That basically sums up the past few weeks for me. Aakash and I are trying to decide what we want to do in our last month. We're planning a trip to Shantiniketan as well as a few more "explore Kolkata adventures." I'm also hoping to spend a little more time on my cycle, but all of these activities are difficult because the temperature has been over 40º (104º F) most days the past few weeks. Not to mention the humidity. There's no denying we're looking forward to cooler temperatures in the states!
I hope you're all doing well and finding success in what you're doing. Know you're in our thoughts and we're looking forward to seeing many of you in a month or so!